Safety and Cleaning Protocols
We ask that all students are screened and registered before attending class and all home health checks are done to ensure students are well before entering the studio.
All students will enter from the studio's main door to help insure safety and sanitization. Temperature checks will be done upon entering the building.
Anyone entering Let’s Dance Ltd must wear a mask in the building and must sanitize hands upon entry.
Students will then line up outside the room for their class staying socially distanced by following markings on the floor.
We ask that students have their own dance bag to bring into the studios with them. Change rooms are closed and students will be given an individual spot within the perimeter of the studio for their bag.
Outdoor shoes are not allowed inside the studios and should be placed inside dance bags.
If a student needs to use the washroom, masks must be worn. In addition to properly washing hands, they must also use sanitizer when returning to class.
If a student has a break between classes, they will be given a socially distant space to wait until their next class. Students are welcome to have a school safe snack and water while they wait, sanitizing before and after eating. Once they are done eating, masks must again be worn until classes recommence.
When in class, masks are optional for students while dancing.
Each student will be given a social distancing square to dance in and must respect all social distancing protocol.
If dancers are feeling ill, we ask that they stay home. Dancers are welcome to tune into the class virtually though ZOOM. Please contact the office to coordinate the codes needed.
Any students within the studio who are not feeling well, will immediately be isolated and sent home.
Once class is done students will have their hands sanitized and be asked to put their masks back on.
After class students will be escorted by a staff member to the main doors for pick up. We ask that parents wait outside on the grass area and come forward to meet them.
Children MUST be picked up on time.
Studio will be sanitized between classes. Washrooms and lobby will be disinfected often throughout the day/evening.
We have worked endlessly to ensure all safety and protocols are met. Please try to help us by following these guidelines and being as prepared as possible.
The studios will be sanitized daily with a hospital grade disinfecting fogger. All common areas and surfaces will be disinfected regularly. In addition, all studios have fresh air (weather permitting) or a Hepa air purifier.
If your child is opting for ZOOM classes please make sure the office is aware and you have received the codes for the classes.
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